HTML Escape Unescape Characters Online

This tool transforms special characters into HTML codes and vice versa, ensuring text displays correctly on webpages.



Our HTML Escape/Unescape Tool, your go-to online resource for quickly encoding and decoding HTML entities. Designed with simplicity in mind, it's perfect for developers, content creators, and anyone looking to ensure their HTML code is clean and secure.

What is Escape and Unescape in HTML?

In HTML, "escape" means turning special characters into codes so they're shown on a webpage instead of being seen as code by the browser. "Unescape" is the opposite, turning those codes back into the normal characters so they can be read as intended.

How to unescape HTML?

Unescaping HTML means you're taking text that contains special codes for characters and converting it back to the normal characters. Usually, this is done automatically by web browsers or by using specific functions in programming languages that can understand these codes and show you the correct characters.

How to escape HTML?

Escaping HTML involves converting special characters into a special set of codes that HTML understands. For example, if you want to show a less than sign (<) on your webpage, you can't just type it in because HTML thinks it's the start of a tag. So, you replace it with a special code that HTML knows should be shown as a < on the webpage instead.

How to escape & in HTML?

To escape the ampersand (&) symbol in HTML, you use the special code &. This tells the browser to show an actual ampersand (&) on the page.

How to escape < in HTML?

For the less than (<) symbol, you use the special code < in HTML. This ensures the browser displays a less than sign instead of mistaking it for part of a tag or code.

How to escape HTML in PHP?

In PHP, you can use a function called "htmlspecialchars() to escape special characters in a string. This function takes the special characters in your text and replaces them with the appropriate HTML codes so they can be safely displayed on a webpage without being interpreted as HTML code.


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